CURRICULUM SUMMARIES Primary Grades Kindergarten - 2nd Lower School Grades 3rd - 6th ***** Early Reading & Spelling (Primary: K-2nd) A common-sense approach to phonics offers mastery and lays the foundation for higher-order reading skills. Spelling instruction continues through grade 7. Literature We choose the very best literature and poetry for each age, works that model heroes, virtues, and high ideals. Our literature program does more than develop reading skills – it inspires students to love what is good and noble in life.
Penmanship (1st-3rd) Instruction in cursive writing improves fine-motor skills, writing speed, self-discipline, spelling, and reading- creating a professional quality in a student’s penmanship. Most all assignments are expected to be conducted in cursive after 3rd grade.
Mathematics Arithmetic is the focus of grades K-6 to ensure mastery of counting and calculation. A true mastery of arithmetic skills through repeated drill and practice lays the foundation for the more advanced thinking skills of algebra, geometry, and calculus.
Latin (begins in 2nd grade) A foundation for learning modern languages, Latin develops vocabulary, English grammar skills, and teaches students how to think critically. All new students are placed in an age-appropriate beginning Latin class.
Christian Studies The history, geography, and teachings of the Old and New Testament are accompanied by cumulative Scripture memorization over the years. Our beliefs are that the Christian faith is true and that both reason and history support this belief. All time is dated from the birth of Jesus Christ, the central figure in human history. Our program helps students understand why this is true.
Classical Studies (3rd-8th) Students learn the vocabulary, history, geography, and literature that underlie the great achievements of Western civilization.
American/Modern Studies In American/Modern Studies students study American history, geography, and literature as well as world geography and non-Western cultures. The program is designed to give students mastery over very concrete and useful information about the United States and the world.
Nature & Science Students learn much about science—morphology, physiology, classification, habitats, etc.—through the detailed study of stars, insects, birds, mammals, and trees. The Lower School science curriculum includes the study of (Latin-based) scientific terminology, as well as an exposure to the beautiful tradition of English nature poetry.