Our Vision Statement encompasses our Portrait of a Graduate We exist to glorify God. Through the classes and life of our campus, we work to foster graduates who are equipped to continually grow in their ability to navigate God’s Word and God’s world. We encourage our students to find Christ in and above all things- seriously and joyfully glorifying God in all areas of their lives. We teach students to observe accurately, understand clearly, evaluate fairly, feel appropriately, apply wisely, and express compellingly. For more on this, please read John Piper’s book, Foundations for Lifelong Learning: Education in Serious Joy.
9th-12th grade is an important and culminating time in a BCA Lion's educational process. All the work and learning they have devoted their time and energies to in the Grammar and Logic stages are applied during the Rhetoric years.
An intense devotion is placed upon worldview discussions in light of God's Word. Why? Because we recognize that we are not called to prepare our students for a life characterized by mere productivity. Rather, our hope is that our students' lives are characterized by a pursuit of that which the human soul was made to long for. And it is THAT which informs their college, career, family, and life pursuits.
A Few Distinctives of our High School Program Festina lente- make haste slowly Multum non Multa- much not many Weekly Chapel Service Intentional use of technology- no cell phones, very low screen time School and community wide service and responsibilities Socratic Methods and Harkness Discussions School-wide Leadership & Mentorship through Reading Buddies, Internships, and ROAR Community of full-time BCA student and homeschool students Athletic program Part and Full-time options available Mon-Thur Core Schedule Friday Seminars, Workshops, Field Trips, Service and Missions Projects (coming in April) Semester Classes (Fall & Spring) Dual-credit, work, and other opportunities available
We recognize that the education process is a twelve-year project for each student. We strive to maximize each of those years to teach deeply: Godly wisdom, Christian virtues, and Christ-like service. We strive to disciple the heart and mind, through both corrective discipline and instructive discipline (II Timothy 3:16). “The goal of education is not simply knowledge for knowledge’s sake, however; the goal of true education is for our knowledge of God, man, and creation to come to full flower in wisdom and for this wisdom to help us better love and serve our neighbor." For more information: Clark, Kevin and Ravi Scott Jain, The Liberal Arts Tradition : A Philosophy of Classical Christian Education. (Revised Edition), Camp Hill, PA: Classical Academic Press. 2019.