Bluegrass Christian Academy is a private Christian school committed to providing a Biblically-based classical education. BCA operates as an extension of the family under the expectation that the education of children is the responsibility of parents rather than the state.
CLASSICAL We aim to give students a Christian liberal education made up of the arts and sciences. Courses encompass phonics, Latin, math, classic literature, science, ancient history (classical studies), and the fine arts. In all of our programs we aim for continuity and mastery learning while focusing on teaching age-appropriate material through age appropriate methods.
CHRISTIAN We view the Bible as God-breathed and inerrant. We believe the Christian faith is true and that both reason and history support this belief. All time is dated from the birth of Jesus Christ, the central figure in human history. Our Christian Studies program helps students understand why this is true. However, a Christian school requires more than just the offering of a Christian studies class. We strive to glorify God in all we do and all we study. We endeavor to point students towards the source of all that is True, Good, and Beautiful through our studies and interactions in hope that they grow in wisdom and virtue. At BCA students start each day together with prayer and a reading from the Scriptures. Chapel services are held weekly. Our Upper School students serve our community in a variety of ways each year and they serve our school community weekly through Gravitas groups.
TRADITIONAL A love of learning is promoted by maintaining an orderly, well-disciplined environment in order to facilitate academic excellence and produce structure that rewards virtues including, but not limited to, self-control and personal diligence. Lessons are incremental, content is age-appropriate, and students learn the important skill of quality written work completed in a timely manner. Homework is moderate and is for the purpose of practicing or preparing for a lesson. The traditional classroom is consistent with human nature and the experience of many decades has demonstrated its superiority over the modern child-centered classroom.